Storyteller in Residence

Photojournalism bringing critical ocean stories to life.

Mads St Clair


Henley Spiers


Mads St Clair


British scientist Mads St Clair is a coral reef biologist, conservation photographer-filmmaker and expedition leader. Her drive to learn, investigate and document our oceans has taken her to some of the remotest corners of the planet to create powerful, compelling storytelling that serves as a call to action.

Wanting to bridge the gap between research and public awareness, Mads leans on her multidisciplinary background as a scientist-turned-creative to ​​deliver hard-hitting conservation messages in a way that resonates with a global audience. Founder of charitable organisation and international community, Women in Ocean Science, Mads is a fierce advocate for gender equity and through her lens, explores the nuanced relationship between female empowerment and ocean health.

Throughout the next 12 months, Mads will be sharing all her incredible photography and stories from the field on this page – expedition diaries, behind-the-scenes videos and in-print Oceanographic features will all be available below.

Despatches: From the field

During her residency, Mads will be producing a series of digital diaries, articles and behind-the-scenes insights, 'Despatches: From the field'. These articles will appear here.

WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Mads St Clair

Expedition photography

Keep up with all the beautiful and impactful work Mads is creating in the field. We'll be sharing the best images here, along with incredible behind-the-scenes content.

From Indonesia to the UK, here's a range of the stunning photography she has created to date. Click on an image to discover the story behind it.

Printed features

Over the course of the next 12 months Mads will be producing a range of articles for the printed version of Oceanographic Magazine. All those articles will be available to read here.

WORDS BY Mads St Clair
WORDS BY Madeline St Clair
Created by
In association with

Expedition updates

From the field, as it happens

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