- ‘The sea has finished’
- “Everything happens as you see it”
- “I owe it to the ocean”
- “It’s the biggest wildfire, but it’s happening underwater”
- “We’re looking for people with an expedition mindset”
- “I see DEEP as an undersea NASA”
- “If you appreciate something, you’ll want to take care of it”
- “One of the world’s biggest 3D-printed objects”
- “We are not doing DEEP for our generation”
- “We’re going to be aquatic”
- A beacon for deep-sea research
- A catalyst for change
- A champion’s chase
- A change of scene
- A corner of the Earth
- A culture at stake
- A different kind of wild
- A dot in the Atlantic
- A friend in need
- A future up in the air
- A gateway to the ocean
- A green hero
- A guest in the wild
- A haven for sharks
- A Highland swim
- A Highland swim
- A journey from fear to love
- A journey like no other
- A life at sea
- A life by the sea
- A life shaped by sea
- A love of wilderness
- A magnetic mystery
- A ray of rarity
- A reef for Saida
- A renegade’s refuge
- A renegade’s refuge
- A river of plastic
- A second life
- A simple journey
- A single breath
- A symbol of hope
- A tangled web
- A unique predation
- A very wild swim
- A very wild swim
- A victory for sharks
- A wave of joy
- A world-first
- A year of stories
- Across the Drake
- Adventures in the homeland
- African sanctuary
- Against the odds
- Against the wind
- Alvaro Herrero Lopez Beltra: Fostering change
- Amazon of the seas
- Ambassadors of the ocean
- Amphibian calling
- An accidental environmentalist
- An Arctic classroom for a changing planet
- An ethical endeavour
- An ingenious system
- An optimistic pessimist
- An underwater interspecies handshake
- An unseen world
- Ancient coexistence
- Andrei Savin: Love at first sight
- Antarctica: Cousteau’s CCAMLR call
- Are we losing the sharkiest place on earth?
- Arriving seas
- Art, science and conservation… on a sailboat
- ARTIFISHAL: The end of wild
- At home in the water
- Backyard treasures
- Bait ball
- Banditos
- Barren paradise
- Battling ocean plastic on Svalbard
- Bay watch
- Beauty and plight
- Beauty and plight – in Sydney
- Becoming a citizen scientist
- Becoming one
- Behind the barrels
- Behind the lens: André Musgrove
- Behind the lens: Andy Mann
- Behind the lens: Ben Thouard
- Behind the lens: Brooke Pyke
- Behind the lens: Craig Parry
- Behind the lens: Cristina Mittermeier
- Behind the lens: Daan Verhoeven
- Behind the lens: Daisy Gilardini
- Behind the lens: David Doubilet
- Behind the lens: Francis Pérez
- Behind the lens: Henley Spiers
- Behind the lens: Ian McAllister
- Behind the lens: Ipah Uid Lynn
- Behind the lens: Jake Wilton
- Behind the lens: John Weller
- Behind the lens: Laurent Ballesta
- Behind the lens: Lewis Burnett
- Behind the lens: Luciano Candisani
- Behind the lens: Matty Smith
- Behind the lens: Michael Haluwana
- Behind the lens: Nadia Aly
- Behind the lens: Nick Hawkins
- Behind the lens: Paul Hilton
- Behind the lens: Paul Nicklen
- Behind the lens: Pedro Vasconcelos
- Behind the lens: Scott Portelli
- Behind the lens: Shane Gross
- Behind the lens: Shawn Heinrichs
- Behind the lens: Simon Ager
- Behind the lens: Steve Woods
- Behind the lens: Tavish Campbell
- Being seaful
- Being seaful
- Being well in the swell
- Beneath the surface
- Beneath the surface of dreams
- Between a rock and a hard place
- Between land and sea
- Between tradition and change
- Beyond the fear
- Beyond the flags
- Big bears on thin ice
- Big island
- Big little lives
- Big-wave surfing and living in the moment
- Bio-logging blues
- Biomass boom
- Birth of a jellyfish
- Blackened waters
- Blackwater illuminations
- Bleached
- Blue carbon
- Blue care
- Blue heritage
- Blue Spring
- Blueprinting a cleaner future
- Bonded by hope
- Bondi’s secret
- Born to ice
- Braving the waves
- Breathing new life into Dominica
- Brief encounters
- Bringing back kelp
- Building bridges
- California kelp
- Call of the California sea lion
- Call of the ocean
- Can art empower journalism?
- Can art empower journalism?
- Capturing connection
- Capturing memories
- Capturing the essence of Galapagos
- Casting off
- Catalysing change
- Celtic odyssey
- Cetacean sanctuary
- Changing habitat
- Changing lanes
- Changing winds
- Chaos and beauty
- Chaplaincy on the High Seas
- Chasing lightning
- Chasing ocean storms
- Chasing waves
- Chilean Patagonia
- Cinematic conservation
- City of lights
- Clean-up crew
- Cleaning rivers
- Co-existence
- Coastal heroism
- Collaborative conservation and cucumbers
- Collective Portfolio Award 2021
- Colour & Cold: Vibrancy and mystery in Alaska
- Community Choice Award 2021
- Community conservation
- Community coral conservation
- Community restoration
- Community-driven ocean change
- Connecting the dots
- Conquering dark waters
- Conversations with friends
- Coral ark
- Coral cities
- Coral community
- Coral connection
- Coral curator
- Coral gardeners
- Coral symbiosis
- Corals of the Mediterranean
- Counting seals from space
- Culture or convenience?
- Currents and corridors
- Cyclones and cultural loss
- Dancing in the depths
- Dancing with devils
- Dancing with orcas
- Dark oxygen
- Dark waters
- Dark waters
- Dark waters
- Data-driven activism
- Data-driven activism
- Dawn days
- Deadly neglect
- Deadly neglect
- Death by a thousand cuts
- Death by plastic
- Deep diversity
- Deep science
- Deep South
- Deeper levels
- Deepwater Guyana
- Defending Bangkaru
- Defending the kingdom
- Departure to Sermilik Fjord
- Depths of sanctuary
- Desert wanderers
- Determination, integrity and resilience
- Devils of the Mediterranean
- Discomfort and finding peace within
- Diversity in ocean sciences
- Diving deeper
- Diving deeper
- Diving into an artist’s world
- Diving into the future
- Diving Taam Ja’, the world’s deepest blue hole
- Diving with greatness
- Diving with guillemots
- Diving with icebergs
- Dragon’s child
- Drama of the sea
- Dwarf minke, big questions
- Dwarf minkes, big questions
- Earthly remains
- Easy scapegoat
- Easy scapegoat
- Ebb and flow – the power of cycles
- Edges of the earth
- Elemental waves
- Encountering southern right whale dolphins
- End of the earth
- Endangered encounters
- Endangered hope
- Estuarine shallows
- Evolution of a seafarer
- Exploited before known
- Explore to protect
- Exploring a voluntary marine reserve
- Exploring Scottish lochs
- Exploring Scottish lochs
- Exploring the seagrass beds of Arran
- Eye to eye
- Eye to eye with the wild
- False dawn
- Female Fifty Fathoms Award 2021
- Fighting for dragons
- Fighting for the future of Canada’s West Coast
- Fighting the ‘second wave’
- Fighting the ‘second wave’
- Film on the front line
- Filming sharks
- Filming tuna
- Financing a sustainable future
- Finding a purpose
- Finding angelsharks
- Finding answers in the snow
- Finding hope for coral reefs
- Finding megalodon
- Finding Physty
- Fins detached
- Fire and ice
- Fires, mud, and abalone
- Fish art
- Fishing for solutions
- Floridian water
- Fluke science
- Flying with the albatross
- Following the dead
- Following the flow of fish
- For the global ocean
- For the love of birds
- For the love of birds
- For the love of reefs
- For the love of sharks
- Fork in the road
- Fragile realms
- Frederik Brogaard: “I was hit by a freight train of emotions”
- Freediving Nicaragua
- Fresh water
- Freshwater escapades
- Friends or foes
- From coal to diamonds
- From Djibouti to the Red Sea
- From one element to the next
- From predator to protector
- From reviled to revered
- From sheep farm to dive site
- From trash to treasure
- Fruits of the volcano
- Gardens of Great Britain
- Gardens of the deep
- Gender and the ocean
- Gender inclusion
- Generating opportunities
- Genesis
- Gentle giant gathering
- Gentle giants of the sea
- Getting uncomfortable
- Getting uncomfortable
- Ghanaian saiko
- Ghosts in the Pacific
- Glimmer of hope
- Going above and beyond
- Going strait
- Gold rush
- Goodbye, Feral
- Goodbye, ice camp and hello Nuuk
- Grand central station
- Gravel of hope
- Greatest ally
- Ground zero for ospreys
- Guardians of the ocean
- Harnessing creativity
- Healing waters
- Henley Spiers: “Stop listening to others”
- Her first name
- Heritage
- High seas, high stakes, high crimes
- High seas, high stakes, high time
- High time for a high seas fishing ban?
- Holdfast to the canopy
- Home
- Home
- Home of threatened giants
- Home spirit
- Hope
- Hope for lobsters
- Hope reef
- Hotspot of biodiversity
- How slow?
- How the ocean can save us
- Humpback serenade
- Humpback whale field research diary – Part 1
- Humpback whale field research diary – Part 2
- Humpback whale research
- Humpbacks on our doorstep
- Humpbacks on our doorstep
- Hunters to heroes
- I am North Fistral
- Icons in trouble
- In black waters
- In deep water
- In deep water
- In pursuit of whales
- In search of sharks
- In search of solutions
- In the kelp forests
- Inclusea
- Indigenous wisdom
- Influencing change
- Inside an explosive investigation
- Inside an explosive investigation
- Inside an explosive investigation of the global Chinese fishing fleet
- Inside the caves of St Kilda
- Inside the hunt
- Insights from polar bears of the past
- Inspiring change
- Interactive: Researchers searching for wreck of Ernest Shackleton’s final ship, the Quest
- Interpreting whalesong
- Interview: Ness Knight
- Into the blue
- Into the dark
- Into the deep
- Into the deep
- Into the depths
- Into the mist
- Into the sea
- Into the storm
- Into the unknown
- Into the unknown
- Into the vortex
- Into the wild
- Inuit life: Between tradition and modernity
- Invisible ocean
- Ipah Uid Lynn: “I aim to capture more than just an image”
- Is coral bleaching a death sentence?
- Is there something rotten in global seafood?
- Is there something rotten in global seafood?
- Island life
- Island of life
- Isle of pines
- It’s light
- Italy’s underwater farmers
- Jacob Guy: “Just get in the water”
- Jade Hoksbergen: “Every minute counts”
- Jialing Cai: Exploring the ocean’s kindergarten
- Journey to the centre of the earth
- Journey to the twilight
- Journey to the unknown
- Journeying to the deep
- Just keep swimming
- Keeping change at bay
- Keeping the drills at bay
- Killing your darlings
- Kokoly: Fishing for a future
- Land of fiords
- Last of their kind
- Last refuge
- Lending an ear
- Lessons from under the ice
- Liberating paradise from plastic
- Life in black and white
- Life in the Arctic deep
- Life in the mud
- Light pooling
- Listening to the ocean
- Little by little
- Little truths
- Living by the tide
- Living proof
- Long journey
- Longlining and gillnetting – a photo essay
- Losing my reef to litter
- Lost valley of the dinosaurs
- Make time for the sea
- Make time for the sea
- Making big dreams happen
- Making storytelling more accessible
- Making waves in Barbados
- MAKING WAVES: Regrowing corals
- Mako protection cannot wait
- Man of commitment
- Manatees and a rowing adventure: Oceanographic’s top features of 2024
- Manta rays of the North
- Manuel Castellanos Raboso: “I want my photos to inspire curiosity – especially in kids”
- Marine biofluorescence
- Marine reserve blues
- Meeting mammals
- Meeting place of the heart
- Meeting the co-founders of COAST
- Mega teeth
- Merche Llobera: ‘I love playing with light’
- Mind diving
- Mind games
- Mollusk harvest
- Moonless Oasis
- More than meets the eye
- Mother island
- Moving sand
- Murky waters
- Mutually assured blue salvation
- Mutually assured blue salvation
- Mystery in the Kurils
- Narwhal camp
- Nature always wants to restore equilibrium
- Nature always wants to restore equilibrium
- Nature’s great event
- Nature’s last refuge
- Nature’s resilience
- Neptunia
- Nests full of nets
- New wave protest
- New wave protest
- New year, new resolutions
- Ninja sharks
- No hatchling left behind
- No man’s water
- No person is an island
- No person is an island
- No place like home
- No such thing as away
- Nomad
- Nomads of the Sulu Sea
- Nurturing a healthier future
- Ocean Adventure Photographer of the Year 2021
- Ocean and human health in the age of COVID-19
- Ocean art meets photography
- Ocean Conservation Photographer of the Year 2021
- Ocean expanse
- Ocean Exploration Photographer of the Year 2021
- Ocean flights
- Ocean literacy
- Ocean love
- Ocean metamorphosis
- Ocean nation
- Ocean optimism
- Ocean optimism
- Ocean ready
- Ocean rebellion – all hands on deck
- Ocean rebellion – all hands on deck
- Ocean shaman
- Ocean stewards
- Ocean wastelands
- Oceans and human health
- Octopus farm
- Ode to the Amazon
- Of land and sea
- Off the table
- Off the table
- Offshore crimes
- Offshore crimes
- Offshore nights
- On a mission to save the Arctic Ocean
- On seals, champagne and thick ice blankets
- On the line
- On your mettle
- One frozen breath
- Open ocean
- Opening Sasi
- Opinion: “Starmer, it’s time to ban blood-soaked fish from the Faroe Islands”
- OPY x Rapanui
- Orange tide
- Orca congregation
- Orcadian meadows
- Originality is key
- Our home
- Our most valuable ally
- Out of sight
- Out of sight
- Out of sight, out of mind
- Overcoming adversity
- Overcoming boundaries
- Overfishing devastates our ocean
- Overfishing devastates our ocean
- Overwhelmed by plastic
- Paddling against plastic
- Paradise saved
- Paradox or essence
- Patterns of nature
- Pen Hadow: “Game over for biodiversity” without High Seas Treaty
- People vs orca
- Photographing cephalopods
- Photographing corals
- Pipeline to preservation
- Place of encounter
- Plastics at the edge of the world
- Playing with dolphins
- Poisonous secret
- Pole of inaccessibility
- Polite predators
- Portugal’s last seahorses
- Pound net
- Power of the Kimberley tides
- Precarious and beautiful
- Preparation is everything
- Preparation, perseverance and the perfect shot
- Pristine environments protect us
- Pristine environments protect us
- Pristine reefs
- Profoundly deaf, profoundly blessed
- Protecting Africa’s marine Serengeti
- Protecting Baja
- Protecting Baja’s devils
- Protecting coastlines
- Protecting grey seals
- Protecting our future
- Protecting our marine parks
- Protecting our marine parks
- Protecting Palawan
- Protecting penguins
- Protecting pinnipeds
- Protecting Scottish seas
- Protecting the ocean one data set at a time
- Protecting tomorrow
- Put down the federal stick
- Queen of the sea
- Racing extinction
- Rafael Fernández Caballero: “In the right place at the right time”
- Rafts in fizzing water
- Rain and ice
- Rainforests of the sea
- Rapt by the deep
- Reading the sea
- Reason for hope
- Rebalancing act
- Rebuilding Coralarium
- Reconnecting with the deep sea
- Red Sea wonders
- Redefining pura vida
- Reef insurance
- Reefs from above
- Rehabilitation of a shark finner
- Reimagining the realm
- Reimagining the realm
- Reinstating Rahui
- Reinventing coral reef restoration
- Rejuvenating Scottish seas
- Rejuvenating Scottish seas
- Release the kraken
- Remote reefs
- Repelling a reef invasion
- Replace fear with fascination
- Replacing fear with fascination
- Researching the Celtic Deep
- Reshaping whale shark tourism in Madagascar
- Revered reefs
- Rewilding Scotland
- Rising from the ashes
- Rising seas and resilience
- River mussels
- Rockpooling finds
- Roses of the deep
- Rowing across
- Safe haven
- Safe haven for sawfishes
- Safeguarding ancient wonders
- Sailing for conservation
- Sargassum whale
- Sascha’s seals
- Satellite of ocean hope
- Saving California’s underwater forests
- Saving Dominica’s corals
- Saving Portugal’s waves
- Saving seals
- Saving the Arctic Ocean
- Saving the sandpiper
- Saving threshers
- Scallop disco
- Science, communication and conservation
- Scotland’s flapper skate
- Sea dogs
- Sea lion rescue
- Seabed secrets
- Seabird archipelago
- Seagrass guardians
- Searching for aliens
- Searching for bait
- Searching for the elusive Thai dugong
- Seaweed siege
- Second chance
- Securing Chile’s future
- See you later, alligator?
- Seeking shelter
- Seeking shelter
- Selling the seas
- Sense of wonder
- Sentinels of climate change
- Service area
- Shallow feast
- Shallow waters
- Shane Gross: “A rare privilege”
- Shaping a village
- Shaping opinion
- Shaping the future of surfing
- Shark baiting: The debate
- Shark island
- Shark life
- Shark rescue
- Sharks and climate change
- Shell money
- Shipwreck hunters
- Shipwrecked
- Silence at Julian Rocks
- Silent slaughter
- Sirenia
- Small claws, big impact
- Smart phone fishing
- Songs of the Salish Sea
- Sounding alarm
- Southern sanctuary
- Sowing sea meadows
- Spekingur
- Spot patterns
- Spots and stripes
- Spotted marvels
- Stemming the source
- Stories from a fertile realm
- Story of hope
- Storyteller in Residence 2024: Meet Mads St Clair
- Storyteller in Residence: Meet Henley Spiers
- Strength in water
- Struggling sea lions
- Suluan’s solar revolution
- Super corals
- Supermayan
- Superpowered seals and their marvellous moustaches
- Surf activism
- Surf activism
- Surrendering to the force of nature
- Sustainable coexistence
- Sustainable seafood network
- Swaying the future
- Swim the line
- Swimming with purpose
- Tag and click
- Tagging hammerheads
- Tagging sharks
- Taking over from the inside
- Taking over from the inside
- Tales from Marine Protected Areas
- Testing the limits
- The apex expert
- The Arctic bug
- The art of conservation
- The baitball
- The balance of things
- The billion $ shark
- The blue alien
- The breaking point
- The buck stops here
- The crazy 8
- The diversity of sharks
- The dolphin diaspora
- The emptying ocean
- The face of a humpback whale
- The false promise
- The false promise
- The fight for fins
- The final frontier
- The first dive
- The fish that feeds the forest
- The fragile majesty of the Labrador Sea
- The Galápagos of North America
- The gateway
- The gentle goliaths
- The gold standard
- The Great Pacific Escapade
- The great wall of Fiji
- The hidden cost of squid
- The High Seas – our common heritage and its future
- The historic lifeline of Jersey
- The hunt
- The Icefjord
- The importance of ocean meadows
- The importance of shark-infested waters
- The inhabitants of North Rona
- The island of lost penguins
- The king of Cornish seas
- The last hunt for the future
- The last wave
- The last wild hunt
- The last wild hunt
- The life of lemons
- The lifecycle of ice
- The long game
- The loophole artist
- The loophole artist
- The mangrove police
- The missing link
- The missing link
- The missing salmon
- The Moai’s modern curse
- The modern Moken
- The most ocean-friendly nation on earth
- The new big five
- The ocean and me: Claire Walsh
- The ocean and me: Henley Spiers
- The ocean and me: Lizzie Daly
- The ocean forest of Sussex
- The ocean is our best ally
- The Ocean Photographer of the Year 2021
- The Outer Hebrides – through an artist’s eyes
- The outlaw ocean
- The oysters of Loch Craignish
- The patience of the ocean photographer
- The polar route
- The power of one
- The pull of the river
- The rangers of Cocos Island
- The residents of Manta Bay
- The return of Baja’s mantas
- The ring of cenotes
- The ripple effect
- The rise of Lake Kerkini’s Dalmatian pelicans
- The river & the wall
- The river time forgot
- The role of discovery
- The sea forests at the end of the world
- The search for the lone Greenland shark
- The season of flamingos
- The secret colony
- The secret lives of seals
- The shark defender
- The shifting sands
- The small things
- The spectacle
- The steady journey north
- The superlative life of Earth’s largest fish
- The survival of the oyster
- The sustainability frontline
- The trouble with measuring ‘bonsai’ sharks
- The true value of shark sanctuaries
- The ultimate freedive site
- The unseen part
- The vastness of open water
- The vision we need for the ocean we want
- The wave is a mirror
- The whale sharks of Pintuyan
- The whale sharks of South Ari
- The whale sharks that went nowhere
- The whales that eat sharks
- The world’s rarest seal
- The world’s rarest seal
- The world’s wake-up call. Don’t press snooze.
- Thien Nguyen Ngoc: “A tribute to our heritage”
- This is Hvaldimir
- Those who care, win
- Threshers at dawn
- Ticking time bomb
- Tilafushi coming out clean
- Tipping the balance
- Titan meets Titanic
- To witness a whale
- Together, we rise
- Tomorrow’s dinosaurs
- Traffic in the Bay of Biscay
- Transformation generation
- Transformation generation
- Treasure hunt
- Trégor’s secrets
- Triangle island
- Trouble in paradise
- Trusting the process
- Turn the tide
- Turning the tide
- Uncensored
- Unchartered waters
- Understanding coastal erosion
- Understanding North Carolina’s sand tigers
- Understanding the Risso’s dolphin’s scars
- Underwater love
- Underwater meditation
- Underwater reflections
- Unexpected cetaceans
- Unknown territories
- Unlocking the secret powers of the ocean floor
- Unravelling one of the greatest mysteries of the ocean
- Unveiling biodiversity
- Unveiling the “lost years”
- Unwanted passengers
- Upcycled adventure
- Update from Greenland
- Urban nursery
- Vanishing shores
- Video: New species off NZ
- Violence at sea
- Violence at sea
- Voice of the glacier
- Volcanoes of the deep
- Vote the ocean
- Vote the ocean
- Voyage to the wild
- Wales: Best of the West
- Walking sharks
- Water canvas
- Water environments and wellbeing
- Water holds
- Water is life
- Waves of change
- We need to discuss climate change
- Welcome to the jungle
- Whale sharks and tourism
- Whale tales
- Whale tales
- Whales in a warming Arctic
- Whales in the bay
- Whales of New York
- What are the UK’s Marine Protected Areas lacking?
- What can be done to protect the High Seas?
- What can be done to protect the High Seas?
- What if?
- What if?
- What is an ocean storyteller?
- When saving sharks is part of the job
- Where do whales float?
- Where red meets blue
- Where the outback meets the sea
- Where the rivers run red
- Where tigers roam
- White continent, dark future?
- Why we must listen to women
- Wilderness above and below
- Wilderness found
- Wilderness found
- Wilderness lost
- Winter connection
- Winter connection
- Wolf mother
- Wondrous shearwaters
- World’s greatest whale show
- Worth more alive
- Young Ocean Photographer of the Year 2021
- Zamie
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- Your ocean library
- ‘Bluebottle’ jellyfish: Is climate change bringing them to Britain?
- ‘Critically Endangered’ angel sharks tagged in groundbreaking first
- ‘Dirty dozen’ exposed for polluting UK beaches
- ‘Forest of the weird’ discovered in Pacific Ocean
- ‘Mega-MPA’ announced for Pacific
- ‘Priceless’ shipwreck artefacts saved from auction at final-hour
- ‘Russian spy’ beluga whale Hvaldimir found dead in Norway
- ‘Worst I’ve seen’: New footage confirms mass coral bleaching event on Great Barrier Reef
- “A slap in the face” – Hauraki Gulf backtrack lambasted by WWF
- “Extinct in a decade”: Conservation collective launches campaign to save African penguin
- “History is made” as climate change goes to international court
- “Trapped at sea”: North Korean slavery aboard China’s tuna fleet
- “Urgent action needed” to stem UK crab and lobster declines
- 1.8 million hectares of coral reef to receive new Blue Finance funding
- 1.9 billion people threatened by mountain water shortages due to climate change
- 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2019 report presented at COP25 by Future Earth and the Earth League
- 10-30% of fossil fuel subsidies would pay for global transition to clean energy
- 122 Important Shark and Ray Areas identified in Asia
- 14 per cent of corals lost since 2009, report finds
- 171 trillion plastic pieces estimated to swim in oceans
- 185 hectares of new seagrass beds discovered across the UK
- 200,000 fish die in “single worst jellyfish attack” on Scottish salmon
- 2022 Ocean Awards finalists revealed
- 2022 Ocean Awards winners revealed
- 26,000 tonnes of Covid plastic waste in seas, study finds
- 36,000kg of whale meat found in Norwegian dog sausages
- 4ocean collects record-setting 30 million pounds of trash
- 500 barrels of oil leaking into Irish Sea
- 90 North Foundation joins the High Seas Alliance
- 92% of the UK’s Marine Protected Areas do not have full protection from destructive fishing
- A new study suggests an underestimation of microplastics in the ocean
- Acoustic recordings help shed light on the Arctic nightlife of seabirds
- Activists and scientists demand political support for Europe’s first wild river national park
- Adidas launches yoga collection made from ocean plastic
- Advancing ocean justice
- Adventurer Cal Major paddles around Scotland in new docuseries
- Aerial drones used to identify pregnant dolphins
- African penguin behaviour could help dictate fishery management
- AI, Cap’n! Artificial Intelligence used to locate ghost nets in ocean
- Alaska blocks trawling ban in ‘cave to industry pressure’
- Alaska’s salmon are shrinking, impacting coastal communities and ecosystems
- Alaskan coastal permafrost more susceptible to climate change than previously understood, study finds
- All penguin colonies on Antarctica’s Elephant Island have declined, some by 77% in last 50 years
- All-female crew prepares for two-year plastic pollution circumnavigation
- Almost 500 deep-sea species found in Costa Rica’s methane seeps
- Almost only female turtle hatchlings recorded in Florida in past four years
- AMOC study: Critical ocean current has not declined in the last 60 years
- Amount of water in glacial lakes risen by 50% since 1990
- An astonishing find: Pristine giant coral reef discovered near Tahiti
- Ancient Adélie penguin colony revealed by snowmelt at Cape Irizar, Antarctica
- Ancient Antarctic ice melt offers future climate change insight
- Another giant iceberg breaks free leading to ‘amazing’ seabed find
- Antarctic DNA study reveals secrets of ancient Adelie penguins
- Antarctic ice shelves teeming with life, study finds
- Antarctic krill play significant role in carbon capture, new study finds
- Antarctic marine sanctuary bid fails for eighth straight year
- Antarctic Ocean Commission fails to deliver ocean sanctuaries
- Antarctic penguins could be safeguarded by network of Marine Protected Areas
- Antarctic seals reveal meltwater surfacing in Amundsen Sea
- Antarctica’s emperor penguins under threat due to melting ice
- Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson freed from Danish prison
- Archaeologists raise 2,600-year-old ancient Phoenician shipwreck
- Arctic ‘shorefast’ sea ice used by residents for hunting and fishing will be reduced by global heating
- Arctic mission finds climate impact even in remotest wilderness
- Arctic Ocean could see its first ice free day by 2027
- Arctic Ocean map an “unprecedented” milestone for Seabed 2030
- Arctic on fire: Wildfires turn polar region into carbon source
- Arctic seabed creatures might be able to adapt to warming ocean
- Arctic whales: Academia meets industry in pioneering research
- Are clues to climate change’s future in the jaws of animals past?
- Are Florida’s dolphins at risk from plastics in rain?
- As ocean temperatures increase, marine species move toward the poles
- Atlantic current collapse ‘closer than we think’
- Atlantic fishing nations pledge to enhance protection for shortfin mako
- Atlantic Ocean current might be safe from collapse… for now
- Australia’s humpback whales no longer considered endangered
- Australia’s need to ‘take endangered shark off the menu’
- Australian coral study confirms ‘everybody needs good neighbours’
- Australian government puts pressure on UNESCO over Great Barrier Reef protection
- Australian Institute of Marine Science: Highest coral cover on Great Barrier Reef in 36 years recorded
- Autonomous ‘SharkCam’ used to observe basking sharks of Scotland
- Ayu! Scientists surprised wild fish recognise individual humans
- Azores creates Europe’s largest Marine Protected Area
- Azores: “There are reasons governments don’t protect the ocean”
- Baleen whales have supersonic hearing, pioneering study finds
- Baltic Sea cod and herring stocks are now below safe levels
- Baltic Sea fish stocks at risk of ‘commercial extinction’
- Barbados launches new plan to tackle plastic pollution
- Bark for a bite? How hungry humpbacks harangue mothers
- Barrier Reef suffers ‘most significant coral mortalities’ in 40 years
- Basking sharks granted legal protection in Ireland
- Beach litter going down, but plastic still polluting UK shores
- Beavers help tackle floodings, new assessment shows
- Belgium becomes first European country to recognise ecocide as international level crime
- Benthos in Antarctic Weddell Sea in decline
- Best sustainable seafood swaps of 2024 revealed
- Better management of crab and lobster catches in UK waters could offer long-term benefits
- Biden-Harris Administration injects $1.8m into Arctic sea ice research
- Biden’s ocean action: Bering Sea closed off to oil and gas drilling
- Big Shark Pledge: Tackling the overfishing of oceanic sharks
- Bigeye tuna receives big benefits of Marine Protected Areas
- Biodiversity in European seas threatened by global warming, study finds
- Biodiversity tracking platform launched ‘to keep nations transparent’
- Biologging sheds light on social structures of great white sharks
- Blancpain and PADI collaboration seeks to help protect 30% of the ocean by 2030
- Blooms of phytoplankton on the rise in Arctic Ocean
- Blue Earth Summit 2021: Forging a closer connection to the natural world
- Bottom trawling ban: Current protections “just lines on a map”
- Bottom trawling banned from four MPAs in the UK
- Bottom trawling taking place in 98% of UK’s offshore Marine Protected Areas, report finds
- Bottom trawling: Spain taken to court over “brutal” fishing practice
- Bounty set for 27,000 salmon that escaped fish farm in Norway
- BP drops green ambitions for $10bn a year in oil and gas
- Brazil great whales estimated to be worth USD $82 billion in services provided
- Breakthrough virus discovery could turn tide on killer algal bloom
- Breakwater documentary raises funds and awareness of marine litter in UK
- British MPs rallied to back ‘transformational’ Climate and Nature Bill
- British seabird numbers in decline
- Call for citizen scientists to help understand rare shark species in Wales
- Camera captures tiger shark’s inner mouth in exciting footage
- Can whales gain legal personhood? Law firms break new ground
- Canada announces new protective measures for North Atlantic right whales
- Canada ends all retention of endangered Shortfin Mako Sharks in Atlantic fisheries
- Carbon credit trade boosts mangrove conservation in Kenya
- Carbon storage study provides fresh mystery for ocean scientists
- China plans to be world’s second nation to reach Arctic seabed
- China to build ‘deep-sea space station’ 6,000ft below surface
- CITES CoP19: Groundbreaking protection for sharks achieved
- Claws for effect: New hermit crab found off Queensland
- Climate change advances mackerel reproduction and changes their migration paths
- Climate change affects ocean soundscape
- Climate change causes emperor penguins to abandon their breeding sites
- Climate change is forcing sea turtles to nest earlier each year
- Climate change now top threat to IUCN natural World Heritage sites
- Climate change to foster algae blooms and disrupt ocean food chains, study finds
- Climate Change: Whale sharks 15,000 times likelier to be hit by ships by 2100
- Climate legacy? US takes “absurd” stance at UN Court
- Climate: Arctic sea ice hits new low as January sets record high
- Clyde Sea’s fish stocks bouncing back – but not as expected
- Coastal flooding will disproportionately impact residents of river deltas, study finds
- Coca-Cola retains plastic polluter crown for fourth year running
- Cold War nuclear bomb tests reveal accurate age of whale sharks
- Collaboration uncovers new details of the marine migration of Atlantic salmon
- Collaborative deep-sea shark-tagging program in Wider Caribbean a success
- Comfort zone: Borealis mud volcano is sanctuary for Arctic sea life
- Common Seas launches #PlasticIsInOurBlood campaign with animation
- Commonwealth nations adopt crucial ocean declaration in Samoa
- Communities of ocean organisms reshaped by climate change
- Community-led kelp restoration project seeks funding
- Conservation and well-being linked in Marine Prosperity framework
- Conservation groups renew call for reforms to Queensland’s fishing rules
- Conservationists warn that coronavirus pandemic could spark surge in ocean pollution
- Controversial Cambo oil field endangering MPA
- Controversy over proposed salmon farm in Hebrides
- COP16 – Coalition formed to scale global ‘debt-for-nature’ funding
- COP16 – Coral Triangle ‘severely threatened’ by oil and gas
- COP16 – High Seas Treaty receives largest ever private pledge
- COP16 – New Marine Protected Area is a ‘victory for Puerto Ricans’
- COP16 – Scientists call for urgent action over ocean acidification
- COP16 – UN ocean protection goals off target by 80 years
- COP16 – Upgrades agreed to marine protection decision processes
- COP16 – Vital funds unlocked for Colombia’s Seaflower Reserve
- COP16 | Emergency Session on Coral Reefs called as bleaching concerns deepen
- COP16: Biodiversity and climate change solutions ‘rest in the ocean’
- COP16: UK’s Envoy for Nature is a “landmark first”
- COP25: Longest climate talks in history ends in compromise
- COP29 – ‘Kelp needs world’s help’, say leading scientists
- COP29 – Are microbes the answer to our climate woes?
- Coral ‘oases’ offer hope for ailing reefs
- Coral acoustics: AI trained to detect fish sounds faster than humans
- Coral bleaching on Great Barrier Reef reaches ‘catastrophic’ levels
- Coral damage prompts trawling suspension in New Zealand waters
- Coral Gardeners launch ReefOS
- Coral larvae make homes where ocean sounds the healthiest
- Coral Reef Breakthrough launches to prevent extinction of coral reefs
- Coral reef decline has “substantial impact” on fish stocks
- Coral reefs in Turks and Caicos Islands resisted global bleaching event 2014-17
- Coral reefs with higher microbial diversity are much healthier, study finds
- Coral relief: Heat-stressed, wounded coral lent a helping… claw?
- Coral restoration in Florida and Puerto Rico can protect thousands of lives, new study finds
- Coral study in Fiji reveals highest warmth in over six centuries
- Coralline algae stays robust under pressure of ocean acidification, study finds
- Could you be the new Head of Science at Ocean Census?
- Crake to see you! Galapagos island bird back after 200 years
- Creepy crustacean: Meet the deep sea predator named ‘darkness’
- Critically endangered scalloped hammerhead shark in Queensland being driven to extinction
- Crowdfunding campaign launched to fund dolphin research off Sussex
- Cruise ships posing risk to sea turtles, review finds
- Data reveals thousands of tonnes of dead fish illegally thrown back into UK waters each year
- Dawn Days mental health project launched
- Dead thresher shark ‘likely the victim of sport fishing’
- Decision-makers come together to discuss the future of yellowfin tuna
- Deep sea’s ‘Dark Oxygen’ is “most profound discovery of our time”
- Deep trouble: Plastic found at deepest point of Mediterranean
- Deep-sea microbes produce oxygen without photosynthesis, researchers find
- Deep-sea research uncovers new ‘mystery mollusc’
- Deepest submarine dive reveals plastic debris at the ocean floor
- Demand for shark meat doubles despite species extinction threat
- Denman Glacier in East Antarctica has retreated five kilometres in 22 years
- Deposit Return Schemes needed to stop litter on British beaches, campaigners say
- Depths of the Weddell Sea are warming five times faster than elsewhere
- Depths Star: New supergiant ‘sea bug’ resembles Darth Vader
- Devil rays’ filter-feeding inspires microplastic pollution innovation
- Did researchers just discover the world’s largest coral colony off Bali?
- Disney plays vital role in Hawai’i ‘milestone’ coral restoration
- Disney World steps up critical care for Florida manatees in crisis
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 10 ‘Freedom or death’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 2 ‘Bondage at sea’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 3 ‘Dreamers of a floating world’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 4 ‘The magic pipe’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 5 ‘Raiders of the deep’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 6 ‘The fish we turn to dust’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 7 ‘Chasing ghosts’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 8 ‘The loophole artist’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: Episode 9 ‘Fluid borders’ out now
- Dispatches from the Outlaw Ocean: New short film series launches today
- Dive Project Cornwall: Helping students learn to dive
- Divers complete world record-breaking ocean cleanup
- Does seabed soil hold secret to supreme carbon storage?
- Dolphin dialect: Machine learning tool has an ear for accents
- Dominican Republic pledges to protect 30 per cent of its waters
- Dr Jane Goodall helps launch major coral project in Singapore
- Drive to create a capital market for the ocean moves from concept to reality
- Dutch government faces court over Dogger Bank bottom trawling
- Earth reaches plastic overshoot day for the first time ever
- Earth’s most crucial campaign to reclaim deep seabed launches
- Ecologists use latest dental scanning technology to study young coral
- Economic cost of sewage laid bare at World Ocean Summit
- Effects of Japanese oil spill still felt in Mauritius mangroves today
- Egypt adopts environmental standards to protect coral reefs
- Eight in ten adults in the UK in favour of bottom trawling ban
- Elephant seals use whiskers to find prey in deep ocean
- Elusive bigfin squid caught on camera
- Endangered sharks sold in fish and chip shops in Australia, new study reports
- Endurance swimmer becomes first person to swim English Channel four times without stopping
- England: First MPA byelaws in effect from today
- England’s River Ouse makes history as first to gain legal rights
- Enough of your sargassum: Invasive seaweed “unlocks economies”
- Environmental Photographers of the Year revealed
- Environmental Protection Agency withdraws restrictions on Pebble Mine plans in Alaska
- Epic whale image wins the Ocean Photographer of the Year 2024
- Equinor abandons plans to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight
- EU and US prevent vital protections for endangered mako sharks
- EU fishers clock 3,500 hours of bottom trawling in protected waters
- EU fleets fishing shark nursery grounds, new report reveals
- EU launches Ocean Tracker at Our Ocean conference in Oslo
- EU seeks to overturn UK’s sandeel fishery ban
- Europe faces public demand to ‘protect ocean from trawling’
- Europe’s native oyster ecosystems are now collapsed
- European countries play major role in Asian shark fin trade, study reveals
- Evidence of blue whale comeback in South Georgia
- Expedition Launch – Arctic Sense 2021
- Experts and industry call for Marine Stewardship Council to take more urgent action on shark finning
- EYOS Expeditions announces new Ring of Fire venture where guests can visit Challenger Deep
- Face masks and gloves found on 30% of UK beaches during Marine Conservation Society Great British Beach Clean
- Failures in global fisheries management revealed by new report
- Fate of France’s last two performing killer whales remains uncertain
- Fear of ‘environmental harm’ after North Sea oil tanker collision
- Fedor Konyukhov becomes first to complete solo row across Southern Ocean
- Fight or plight – saving Africa’s penguin from the brink of extinction
- Fin whale on vessel’s bow ‘killed by ship strike’
- First confirmed sighting of endangered sicklefin devil ray off the US Atlantic Coast
- First dive to Titanic in 14 years reveals salt corrosion and metal-eating bacteria
- First expedition to Titanic wreck underway since OceanGate disaster
- First grey seal pup of 2024 born on ex-military weapons test site
- First known case of adult female dolphin adopting whale calf documented
- First marine fish declared extinct due to human activity
- First person crosses Pacific Ocean by paddleboard
- First-ever accurate digital 3D model of a manta ray created
- Fish fecal carbon sequestering likely halved over past century
- Fish levels rise 10% in protected coral reefs
- Fish named after Studio Ghibli film bears “message for the world”
- Fish stocks affected by heatwaves, study finds
- Five Deeps Expedition completes mission to reach deepest ocean locations
- Flamingos form firm friendships, study finds
- Floods to fisheries: Marine heatwaves do billions in global damage
- Florida bans the intentional release of balloons
- Florida manatee denied same ‘endangered’ status as Antillean
- For a sustainable ocean economy – the World Ocean Summit in Lisbon
- France announces expansion of MPA in southern Indian Ocean
- Free online event: Capturing wild Atlantic salmon on camera
- Friends anemones: Cohabiting mollusc reaches new depths
- Funding offered for coastal community protection projects
- Fundraising appeal to rebuild Tenerife marine conservation research centre and educational hub after fire
- Fungi at the plastic party: Researchers find microplastic munching microbes
- Future of 200 migratory bird species put at risk by cyclones and droughts
- G20 agrees marine plastic deal
- Galapagos mangroves now ‘vulnerable ecosystems’, says IUCN
- Galapagos Marine Reserve expansion announced at COP26 summit
- GEBCO more than doubles ocean floor map data
- Genetics study reveals subspecies of fin whale in Pacific Ocean
- Geothermal heat found under Thwaites Glacier
- Germany faces Dogger Bank bottom trawling lawsuit
- Giant barrel jellyfish caught on camera off coast of England
- Giant manta becomes first manta ray to be listed as an endangered species
- Global coral reef survey reveals extent of reef crisis
- Global heating forcing white sharks into new waters
- Global heating impact on phytoplankton represented in 90 years of data
- Global heating pushing Australia’s platypus towards extinction
- Global heating-driven ice melt could result in blooms of potentially toxic plankton algae in the Arctic
- Global ice loss increases at alarming pace over 23-year period
- Global ocean circulation has accelerated in past two decades, study finds
- Global temperatures pass 1.5°C as 2024 sets record high
- Goodbye, cod? New £4.25m project to investigate climate ‘tipping points’ in marine ecosystems
- Grants secured from UK government for sea turtle conservation in Montserrat and British Virgin Islands
- Great whales found to have active role and monetary value in fight against climate change
- Greece bans bottom trawling in all Marine Protected Areas
- Greenland ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s
- Greenpeace escalates BP oil rig drilling protest
- Greenpeace report concludes that discarded fishing gear is ocean’s greatest plastic polluter
- Greenpeace seize 30km of industrial fishing gear in North Atlantic
- Greenpeace UK creates underwater boulder barrier
- Groundbreaking research funding opportunity launches to make sure no coral is left behind
- Half a trillion corals in Pacific Ocean: World-first coral count highlights extinction risks
- Harbour porpoise calves exposed to neurotoxic industrial chemicals in mothers’ milk
- Hard coral cover almost halved at 100 iconic Great Barrier Reef locations
- Heads of environmental bodies warn that 2020 is our last chance to tackle climate change and protect nature
- Heat resistant kelp strain could restore climate embattled species
- Help protect the Great Barrier Reef from your laptop
- Help scientists identify rare marine species off Wales
- Help survey seaweed this summer
- Hermit crab behaviour affected by microplastics
- High hopes for new collaborative conservation project on GBR
- High squid numbers in the Pacific Northwest linked to climate change
- Historic deal delivered at COP28
- Historic win for the ocean: Rosebank oil plans quashed
- History made: Portugal takes lead in effort to stop deep-sea mining
- Hope for narwhals as mine expansion in the Arctic rejected
- Hope for the North Sea: Major restoration project launched
- How do mantis shrimp withstand their bullet punch shocks?
- How do Weddell seals use light to plan their most extreme dives?
- How to monitor plankton with AI technology
- Humanity at a crossroads, UN warns in new Global Biodiversity Outlook report
- Humans to permanently live underwater from 2027
- Humpback to the future – AI makes splash in whale conservation
- Humpback whale numbers up around the UK
- Hundreds of hypothermic sea turtles wash up in New England
- Hvaldimir post-mortem confirms death by natural causes
- Ice cover in a Far North MPA is disappearing twice as fast as ice in the rest of the Arctic Ocean
- Iceland issues whale hunting permits until 2029
- Iceland suspends annual whale hunt
- Iceland to end whaling from 2024
- Iceland’s president called upon for whaling licence intervention
- In pictures: RRS Sir David Attenborough samples A23a iceberg
- Increase in Irish MPAs needed to tackle climate change, report finds
- Increasing ocean temperatures and acidification projected to eliminate coral reef habitats by 2100
- Independent review supports introduction of new Highly Protected Marine Areas
- India’s fisherfolk mark ‘monumental milestone’ for whale sharks
- Indian Ocean: European boats accused of illegally catching tuna
- Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins use coral as medicine, study suggests
- Innovative underwater robots to play crucial role in weather forecasting
- Inquiry launched into sustainable blue economy
- Inspiring ocean solutions – the World Ocean Summit & Expo in Lisbon
- International Whaling Commission fails to agree South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary
- Invasive lionfish becoming permanent feature of Mediterranean Sea
- IPCC report: Urgent climate action needed
- Ireland’s marine areas land €25m investment ahead of promised MPA Bill
- Is plankton poo the climate crisis’ unlikeliest hero?
- It’s “now or never” for vital wildlife and habitat in UK’s Solent
- Ivory Coast creates first Marine Protected Area
- Jackson Wild Media Awards announces 2019 finalists
- Japan and Iceland resume fin whale hunts
- Japan harpoons first fin whale in half a century
- Japan hunts first whales after ban lifted
- Kelp and seaweed forests are overlooked climate change solutions, new research reveals
- Killer fashion: Is the orca ‘salmon hat’ back in vogue?
- Killer whales are now ‘specialised’ in whale shark hunting
- Krill poo: plastic pollution hinders crucial carbon cycle
- Landmark IPCC report states oceans, ice sheets, and mountain glaciers are bowing under human impact
- Landmark ruling gives Ecuador’s marine ecosystems legal rights
- Larger Marine Protected Areas needed for survival of migratory species in the Caribbean
- Largest citizen science survey of Great Barrier Reef undertaken
- Largest escape of farmed salmon in a decade finally exposed
- Largest ever great white shark recorded and tagged in the Atlantic
- Largest freshwater fish ever recorded tagged in Cambodia
- Largest known manta ray population found off Ecudor
- Largest predation event ever captured in new first for science
- Larval fish are eating microplastics in the Pacific Ocean
- Latest Great Barrier Reef report shows coral cover decline but indicates some resilience
- Leopard seals feed on sharks, researchers discover
- Life discovered beneath Antarctica’s ice shelves
- Life in the ’90s: Barrier Reef biodiversity has ‘shifted significantly’
- Lighted fishing nets significantly reduce bycatch, study finds
- Link between human activity and red tide confirmed by new study
- Locals to ‘be vigilant’ after Atlantic blue crab sighted in Brighton
- London found to have highest concentration of airborne microplastics yet recorded, research finds
- London’s first WasteShark launched to tackle plastic pollution
- Looming ocean mass extinction can be stopped, according to study
- Loss of oxygen in ocean a major threat to marine life
- Madagascar a hotspot for rare rays, but where are its reef species?
- Madagascar emerges as hotspot for endangered whale sharks
- Major study into how oceans ‘breathe’ launched by UK scientists
- Majority of plastic particles in Mediterranean originate elsewhere, study finds
- Make or break discussions begin over endangered mako shark at ICCAT
- Mako shark tagged for first time in the Mediterranean
- Mako sharks and rhino rays granted new international protections at CITES
- Maldives announces plans to lift ban on shark fishing after 11 years
- Manatee and whale shark among species at risk of extinction being monitored in 2025
- Mangrove coasts face ‘triple threat’, according to new research
- Mangrove Photography Awards 2020 winners announced
- Manipulation of rivers jeopardises resilience of native Chinook salmon
- Manta rays and whale sharks now protected by new commercial fishing law in Mozambique
- Marine conservation group threatens UK government with legal action
- Marine Conservation Society calls for microfibre filters in washing machines to slow the tide of ocean plastic
- Marine Conservation Society highlights cetacean bycatch concerns in sea bass fishing industry
- Marine Conservation Society launches campaign to support sustainable seafood in 2020
- Marine Conservation Society to take legal action over ocean sewage spills
- Marine heatwave cause of mass fish deaths and coral bleaching
- Marine life thriving in River Thames
- Marine Megafauna Foundation create underwater ‘listening stations’ to track manta rays in Mozambique
- Marine plastic is a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria, study finds
- Marine reserves near cities are struggling – but remain vital
- Mass stranding of long-finned pilot whales in Iceland
- Massive salmon farm die-off pollutes British Columbia’s Clayoquot Sound
- MCS calls for legislation in UK to stem flow of microfibres into oceans
- Meal deal: Octopus and fish work together to catch dinner
- Mediterranean marine life fleeing to deeper waters, study finds
- Meet the sea spider that devours prey ‘like a smoothie’
- Mega coral ‘older than Newton’ is new world’s largest
- Megalodon reimagined: Scientists rethink prehistoric shark
- Melting glaciers behind nearly 2cm in sea level rises
- Melting glaciers in the Russian Arctic uncover five new islands
- Melting ice sheets are slowing a crucial Antarctic ocean current
- Meltwater lakes at glacier margins are accelerating ice loss
- Mexico: “Goals met” to protect last eight vaquita from extinction
- Microplastic pollution discovered in snowfall in Arctic
- Microplastics in the Antarctic suggests ‘nowhere left untouched’
- Microplastics: Europe a hotspot for pollution, says The Ocean Race
- Microscopic ocean predator with taste for carbon discovered
- Migratory tuna species found to be spawning in Pacific Marine Protected Area
- Millions could be displaced by coastal flooding as early as 2100, study warns
- Millions of trees will be planted across Scotland to save wild salmon
- More than 1,000 tons of plastics rain down on national parks and wilderness areas annually in Western America
- More than 160,000 hectares of seagrass lost from Australian coasts since the 1950s
- More than 30 dolphins dead following Russian tanker oil spill
- More than 300 Florida manatees dead in first six weeks of 2021
- More than 50 wind farm sites to be reviewed to restore at-risk marine species
- Most extreme ‘rogue wave’ on record measured in North Pacific
- Most juvenile great white shark deaths ‘due to fishing’
- Move it or lose it: Whitefin swellsharks face a climate ultimatum
- Museum Of Underwater Art to open on Great Barrier Reef
- Naomi Longa wins 2024 Whitley Award for coral reef conservation in Coral Triangle
- NASA calls upon gamers to join virtual ocean research expeditions to help map coral reefs
- NASA launches ocean research mission off San Francisco
- NASA test aquatic under-ice space rover in Antarctica
- Nasa unveils hidden volcanoes in ‘unprecedented’ view of seafloor
- National UK beach clean finds more than 16,000 cans and bottles in four days
- Nations meet in Hobart to push for East Antarctic Marine Sanctuary
- Nature groups condemn EU’s sandeel fishing ban challenge
- Nearly a fifth of world’s ocean floor now mapped in Seabed 2030 Project
- New £2.5 million project launched in England to restore fragile marine habitats
- New AMOC data reveals how ocean currents influence climate
- New basking shark discovery excites Irish researchers
- New boat mooring system paves way for significant seagrass rewilding
- New Caledonia protects 10% of its ocean
- New damselfish discovered in Maldives’ deep sea reef
- New data reveals the impacts of climate change are accelerating
- New deep sea species discovered in Pacific
- New deep-sea soft coral species discovered in Scotland
- New eDNA sampler to transform biodiversity studies, scientists say
- New film reveals the price of our dependence on oil
- New Highly Protected Marine Areas to be designated in English waters
- New images bring Shackleton’s lost ship Endurance back to life
- New information about earth’s oldest ocean giant revealed
- New initiative seeks to make tuna fishing more transparent
- New insights into future ocean landscapes revealed
- New jelly species discovered in Monterey Bay
- New laser system provides 3D reconstructions of live deep-sea creatures
- New marine reserve established off Zanzibar
- New marine sanctuary declared in the ‘time-machine’ Marshall Islands
- New Ocean Photographer of the Year exhibition opens in Sydney
- New Ocean Photographer of the Year exhibition to open in Melbourne
- New paper reveals how and why the North Atlantic absorbs CO2
- New polar bear subpopulation discovered in Greenland
- New project aims to hunt marine plastic from space
- New protections for sharks and rays in Turkey
- New publicly available water quality database contains information on 12,000 global lakes
- New report exposes sewage pollution extent in Britain
- New report finds that almost 600,000 metric tonnes of sharks and rays caught annually by top catchers
- New report: UK government permits destructive trawling in marine protected areas
- New research indicates that gentoo penguins are four species, not one
- New research reveals close social networks in beluga whales
- New research shows 98% decrease in bottom-towed fishing in Dogger Bank MPA since ban
- New seaweed farming project tackles climate change off England
- New Special Protection Area designated in Ireland to protect seabirds
- New species of baleen whale discovered in Gulf of Mexico
- New study examines the acoustic repertoire of Ross Sea killer whales
- New study finds trillions of microplastic pieces in San Francisco Bay
- New study finds unprecedented shark and ray extinction risk
- New study reveals the extent of ecological damage from Niger Delta oil spills
- New study shows manta rays form social bonds
- New study shows that microfibres stunt mussel growth
- New study suggests blue whale calf-spotters ‘have it all wrong’
- New study suggests UK seas used as ‘service station’ by migrating humpback whales
- New study warns that ocean heat waves become ‘new normal’
- New study: Ocean surface temperatures warming four times faster than in 1980s
- New study: Sunscreen’s impact on marine life ‘needs urgent investigation’
- New WWF report links destruction of nature to pandemics and calls for urgent global action
- New Year Honours: Ocean experts recognised by King Charles
- New York state’s first National Marine Sanctuary announced
- New Zealand introduces protections for bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands
- New Zealand sharks killed for $1 hooks, a report finds
- New Zealand’s “unusual” egg-shaped sea squirt is a scientific first
- Next round of High Seas Treaty negotiations in full swing
- Nightlife predation increases on light-polluted coral reefs
- No-fishing zones deal offers endangered African penguin new hope
- NOAA 2019 Arctic Report Card shows record territory for warm temperatures, loss of snow and ice
- Noise of deep sea mining harms marine life, scientists warn
- North Atlantic right whale numbers grow but protection is urgent
- North Atlantic right whales in poorer condition than Southern counterparts
- North Sea collision plastic pollution clean-up is a “race against time”
- North sea oil tank collision: Arrest made as experts weigh fallout
- Norway halts deep seabed mining in “historic win for nature”
- Norway increases whaling quota, despite flatlining meat industry
- Norway’s 2020 whaling season deadliest in years
- Norwegian whalers kill 580 whales during 2022 season
- Nutrients make corals more susceptible to bleaching
- Ocean acidification is a deeper crisis than we first thought
- Ocean acidification: Negative impact on sea life ‘likelier by the day’
- Ocean advocate swimming 300nm through Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- Ocean alliance lifts veil of ‘opaque oil spill reporting’ in UK waters
- Ocean and climate research receives Government booster
- Ocean Census expedition launched to reveal deep-sea marine life in the Arctic
- Ocean Census: 100,000 new species in 10 years
- Ocean cleanup device redeployed in Pacific
- Ocean conservation charity Blue Marine Foundation sues the UK government
- Ocean current collapse: Scientists to develop early warning system
- Ocean literacy worryingly low among young people
- Ocean microplastics harbour parasites, study finds
- Ocean Photographer of the Year 2022 – open for entries
- Ocean Photographer of the Year 2023 finalists revealed
- Ocean Photographer of the Year exhibition returns to Sydney
- Ocean Photographer of the Year: Enter until 30 June
- Ocean Photography Awards to launch March 2020
- Ocean plastic affecting seabirds’ blood chemistry, study finds
- Ocean temperatures rocketed in 2019 as rate of heating accelerates
- Ocean Treaty now! Polish protesters deliver bold message to government
- Ocean Voyages Institute removes 40 tons of plastic from waters
- Ocean warming continues through 2021
- Ocean wonders: Weird and wonderful tales from 2024
- Ocean’s ‘skin’ found pivotal in global carbon capture
- Oceana report reveals that half of the UK’s key fish populations are overfished
- Oceana sues Fisheries Service for withheld data on trawling deaths
- OceanGate submersible tour in full swing
- Oceanographic partners with Crew Clothing
- Oceanographic teams up with the Ocean Alliance Against Offshore Drilling
- Oceans 2019 event kicks off in Bristol this weekend
- Octopus rides shark: Footage of ‘Sharktopus’ stuns scientists
- Offshore mining project blocked by New Zealand supreme court
- Offshore wind farming’s impact on marine life focus of major study
- Ofwat and Defra in a stink over watchdog’s sewage finding
- Oil pollution in UK seas is grossly underestimated, new report finds
- Oil spill in Arctic Circle forces Putin to declare state of emergency
- Oilfield leak declared in Dorset
- One trillion tonne iceberg breaks free in Southern Ocean
- OPA submission deadline extended due to Coronavirus
- OPY 2022: Only 1 day left to receive 20% off entry fees
- Orca predation drives great white sharks away from South African aggregation site
- Otters fuel seagrass reproduction, study finds
- Outrage as NOAA abandons North Atlantic right whale protections
- Over 1 million sea turtles poached, study finds
- Over 180 deep-sea species added to ‘red list’
- Over 40% of coral species now face extinction, says IUCN Red List
- Over 5,000 new species discovered in the Pacific’s deep sea
- Over 800 new species discovered in world’s biggest ocean mission
- Overfishing: Oceana reveals roadmap to end “ocean gutting”
- Oyster restoration “a shot in the arm” for business and nature
- Oysters and mussels at risk of offshore wind farm metals
- Paint flakes most abundant microplastic particles after fibres, study finds
- Palau National Marine Sanctuary goes into effect
- Paquette in: Right whales win back protections in lobster ruling
- Parliamentarians call for Blue Carbon revolution to tackle climate change
- Pen Hadow wins the 2023 Shackleton Medal for the Protection of the Polar Regions
- Pilot whale dies with 80 plastic bags in stomach
- Planet Patrol report reveals extent of single-use litter in UK
- Plankton helped develop ancient mountains, new study suggests
- Plankton may not survive global warming with “devastating effects”
- Planting efforts restoring the seagrass meadows of the Thames
- Plastic pollution: Big Oil “dancing for joy” over Treaty talks collapse
- Plastic straws and stirrers set to be banned in England
- Plastic waste smothering vital mangrove forests of Java
- Plunging into seagrass restoration could help UK’s coastline
- Plymouth to receive £1.6 million to reconnect population to the ocean
- Pod vast: Mega cluster of 1,500 dolphins spotted off Monterey Bay
- Polar bears could be gone by 2100, say scientists
- Polar bears in Baffin Bay are having fewer cubs due to less sea ice
- Polar ice sheets harbour vital insight into climate tipping points
- Polar ice sheets losing billions of tonnes of ice every year, NASA satellites reveal
- Polynesian storm-petrel returns home after 100 years
- Polyp-amarous – Barrier Reef ready for “reproductive spectacle”
- Polyp-ethylene: Cause of microplastic build up on coral uncovered
- Popular bathing sites in England fail to meet minimum safety requirements
- Positive tern: Number of roseate terns in UK on the rise
- Powering the next phase in blue growth – World Ocean Tech and Innovation Summit
- Prime minister of Faroe Islands promises dolphin hunt review
- Princess Yachts and MCS team-up to protect Eddystone Reef
- Project AWARE column: Issue 08
- Proposal to potentially open waters of Ningaloo Reef to oil and gas exploration shocks environmentalists
- Proposed ban on bottom trawling in UK Marine Protected Areas
- Proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary declared a Mission Blue Hope Spot
- Proposed UK legislation will leave two thirds of critical Marine Protected Areas unprotected
- Pull the other one! Plastic leg not even “worst” of UK Beach Clean?
- Queensland introduces landmark fishing reform to protect sharks
- Radioactive carbon remnants found in ocean trenches
- Rapid declines in Antarctic sea ice whip up more storms
- Rapid ice stream discovered at Arctic glacier
- Rare deep-sea anglerfish seen for first time in broad daylight
- Rare elkhorn coral thrives in shallows where currents are fastest
- Rare footage of deep-sea creatures unveiled
- Rare footage: Deep-sea squid shows off its bioluminescence
- Rare Greenland shark washed up on Cornwall beach
- Rare mako shark ‘could survive catastrophe’ with genetic lifeline
- Rare sharks and rainbow sea slugs found in UK seas
- Rare spade-toothed whale has nine stomachs and ‘wisdom’ teeth
- Rare whale spotted off Sydney beach
- Rate of CO2 absorption by ocean impacted by human-caused atmosphere changes
- Record grey seals count a conservation success for South Walney
- Record numbers of Loggerhead sea turtles return to Cabo Verde to nest
- Record phytoplankton bloom linked to South African drought dust
- Reef ecology impacted directly by suspended materials in seawater
- Reef manta rays and whale sharks accidentally ingesting damaging microplastics
- Remote at-sea science expedition reveals exciting new discoveries in Australia’s Coral Sea Marine Park
- Remoteness not helping coral reef health
- Research shows mangrove conservation pays for itself in flood protection
- Research shows rivers and oceans contaminated by tyre particles
- Researcheres use drone footage to count more than 64,000 turtles on Great Barrier Reef
- Researchers begin to reveal how Humboldt squid communicate in the dark
- Researchers call for 4000km of Red Sea coral reefs to be declared Marine World Heritage Site by UNESCO
- Researchers capture first-ever images of Thwaites Glacier foundations
- Researchers convert washed-up seaweed into biofuels and fertiliser
- Researchers discover more about southern right whale migration
- Researchers discover new amphipod in the Mariana Trench and name it after plastic found in its body
- Researchers document seasonal migration in deep-sea for first time
- Researchers lay out roadmap for the planet’s marine life to recover by 2050
- Researchers obtain first data from beneath ‘Doomsday Glacier’
- Researchers use drone photography to predict weight of whales
- Researchers use Google to measure climate change impact on coral reefs
- Rewilding underway in Ukrainian Danube Delta as multiple obsolete dams removed
- Rise in algal blooms puts southern sea otters at increased risk of fatal heart disease
- Rising carbon dioxide levels will change marine habitats and decrease fish diversity
- Rising ocean temperatures due to climate change may shrink the breathable ranges of marine animals
- Rivers of warm water are eroding Antarctic ice shelves
- Robots sent to deep ocean to improve hurricane forecasts
- Rolex Awards for Enterprise 2019 finalists announced
- RSPB asks public to help document puffins
- Saba’s “big plans” for coral restoration in Dutch Caribbean
- Sand beaches under threat from climate change globally
- Sandeels at centre of UK and EU’s post-Brexit court battle
- Sardines in hot water are swapping plankton for plastics
- Science and sense: has deep-sea mining industry run out of road?
- Scientific analysis reveals Oceanic whitetip shark population in Western and Central Pacific has declined by around 95%
- Scientific coalition calls for Marine Protected Area for Antarctic Peninsula
- Scientists call attention to the impact of sunscreen on coral reefs
- Scientists challenge Australia’s ocean protection claims
- Scientists discover deep-sea octopus nursery
- Scientists discover ocean carbon dioxide hotspot off Philippines
- Scientists discover powerful Arctic Ocean methane seep
- Scientists discover seawater preserved from last Ice Age
- Scientists discover undocumented 500m detached coral reef in Australian waters for the first time in 120 years
- Scientists gather data on shark and ray entanglements
- Scientists just filmed a rare video of a deep-sea squid carrying eggs
- Scientists match unusual tadpoles to threatened horned frogs
- Scientists shed new light on role of viruses in coral bleaching
- Scientists unearth possible 60 new species off Chilean coast
- Scientists unveil ‘most remarkable new marine species’ of last year
- Scientists use AI and robotics to learn sperm whale speak
- Scientists warn of extensive and severe impacts of plans for deep-sea mining in the Pacific Ocean
- Scientists warn of massive potential oil spill endangering Red Sea
- Scottish salmon farmers to be banned from shooting seals
- Scuba diving holds secret to economic and environmental boom, says study
- ScUber, the new submersible ride share service on the Great Barrier Reef
- Sea breeze sweeping ocean plastic pollution back to land, study finds
- Sea ice melt in the Arctic over recent decades is altering ocean currents
- Sea level rise to cause major economic impact without further climate action
- Sea levels set to continue rising long after Paris Agreement pledges are met
- Sea temperature changes impact albatross survival rates
- Sea urchin-killing pathogen is now “global pandemic”, say scientists
- Seagrass experts trial tech to “revolutionise” conservation
- Seals are the ‘sentinels’ of fish health in the twilight zone
- Season’s first right whale mother and calf seen in Cape Cod Bay
- Seizure of 26 tonnes shark fin shipments from Ecuador largest in Hong Kong history
- Severe bleaching leaves swathes of coral on brink of death
- Severe coral loss leaves reefs with larger fish but low energy turnover
- Seychelles hits 30% marine protection target
- Shark fishing a thorny issue for coral reef health, new study reveals
- Shark fishing banned in Hawaiian state waters
- Shark sex lives secrets reveal love hurts… but wounds heal
- Sharks and rays “abundant in Greek waters”, 90-year study reveals
- Sharks and rays now 20% closer to extinction, says new Index
- Sharks benefitting from Marine Protected Areas in Atlantic Ocean, according to new study
- Shell pulls out of Cambo oil field project
- Shell shock: Sea snail defence-mode may hinder its sex life
- Ship-damaged coral reef undergoes pioneering rescue attempt
- Shipping speed limits would cut greenhouse gases and curb pollutants
- Ships might bring invasive species to Antarctica, study finds
- Shocking polar ice images reveal “ghosts of the Arctic”
- Shore crabs struggle to use colour-change camouflage when exposed to noise from ships
- Shrinking Greenland glaciers losing ice more rapidly than can be replenished
- Sir David Attenborough urges halt to deep sea mining plans in wake of new scientific report
- Sixth mass coral bleaching event confirmed on Great Barrier Reef
- Skate and rays focus of major marine life investment in Plymouth
- Sky Ocean Rescue collaborates with WWF and Swansea University on UK seagrass project
- Smart move: Walking coral migrate with “neurological sophistication”
- Soft coral garden discovered in Greenland’s deep sea
- Some shark species more resilient to catch and release than others, study finds
- South African sardine run not benefitting sardines, study finds
- South Australia bans fishing of critically endangered sharks
- Southeast Asia ocean fund ‘goes beyond’ for marine protection
- Southern Resident killer whale Tahlequah who mourned calf for 17 days has given birth again
- Southern Water faces private prosecution for polluting iconic chalk stream
- Southern Water fined £126m for wastewater spills
- Southwest Atlantic humpback whale populations bounce back from brink of extinction
- Spain and France first EU nations to ratify UN High Seas Treaty
- Species dubbed ‘the people’s penguin’ on brink of extinction
- Sperm whale, orca, and narwhal now protected from UK ivory trade
- Sperm whales forced to abandon historic coastal homes
- Spinner dolphin excrements support coral reefs
- Spratly Islands underwater ecosystem at risk
- Starting today: Ocean and Me with Claire Walsh
- Starvation contributing to Eastern North Pacific grey whale deaths, study suggests
- Stop Finning initiative calls for European voters to help end shark fin trade
- Strong cyclones can harm coral reefs as far as 1000km from their paths, according to research
- Study declares ancient Chinese paddlefish extinct
- Study finds that coral diet can underpin bleaching susceptibility in heating oceans
- Study finds that plastic recycling from Europe can often end up in Asia’s waters
- Study reveals ocean acidification has caused mass extinctions
- Study sheds light on genetic population connectivity of whale sharks
- Study: Climate change alters tiger shark migration routes
- Study: Great Pacific Garbage Patch home to numerous marine animals
- Sturgeons are now at the brink of extinction, urge conservationists
- Subseafloor exploration finds “life exists in incredible places”
- Super-trawler Margiris operating in English Channel Marine Conservation Zone
- Supertrawlers clock almost 7,500 hours a year in UK Marine Protected Areas
- Supertrawlers spent 2,963 hours fishing in UK Marine Protected Areas in 2019
- Supertrawlers spotted fishing in UK Special Area of Conservation
- Surfers Against Sewage #ReturnToOffender campaign exposes top 12 plastic polluters
- Surfers Against Sewage calls for official river swim spots
- Surfers Against Sewage launch new film to highlight ocean plastic
- Surfers Against Sewage launch Plastic Free Awards
- Surfers Against Sewage launches petition for safe water quality across UK
- Surfers Against Sewage organise ‘digital beach clean’
- Surfers Against Sewage publishes 2019 water quality report
- Surfers Against Sewage road trip takes sewage debate to election hotspots
- Surfers Against Sewage takes ocean conservation strategy to Parliament
- Sweden becomes latest nation to join Global Ocean Alliance
- Ten new sponge species discovered off Hawaii
- TerraCycle Foundation cleaning Thailand’s waterways
- Thailand bans coral-damaging sunscreens
- Thames estuary is critical habitat for harbour porpoises, researchers find
- Thames Water overflow pipe pumped waste for 1,026 hours into London wetlands in 2019
- The Bahamas flips $300m debt to fund marine conservation
- The deep ocean is warming, research finds
- The disappearance of Arctic sea ice due to climate change could lead to increased ocean noise
- The Gambia hits ‘historic milestone’ with plastic pollution reduction plan
- The largest ever coral study has identified solutions to save reef systems
- The Marine Conservation Society’s annual Great British Beach Clean in full swing
- The MCS’s Great British Beach Clean is back
- The ocean captures more carbon than previously expected
- The Ocean Film Festival tour is back for 2023
- The Ocean Film Festival tour is back for 2024
- The Ocean Impact PitchFest 2021 finalists announced
- The Outlaw Ocean Podcast – listen to episode 3 now
- The Outlaw Ocean Podcast – listen to episode 4 now
- The tooth is out there: What do narwhals do with their tusks?
- The UN adopts historic resolution to end plastic pollution
- The winners of the Ocean Photographer of the Year 2023 have been revealed
- The World Ocean Summit in Tokyo – fostering a sustainable ocean economy
- The world’s oceans capture more carbon than most scientific models suggest
- Third UN meeting for Global Ocean Treaty underway in New York
- Thousands of dead crustaceans found in Northern England
- Thousands of microbial species found in ocean’s deepest region
- Three quarters of people believe lack of political will is biggest threat to Ireland’s marine environment
- Tonnes of shark fins exported from UK since 2017
- Top five positive ocean news of 2021
- Total ban on sandeel fishing and partial ban on bottom trawling announced in the UK
- Toxic banned chemicals exceed safe thresholds in UK orcas
- Travelling marine life save energy in ocean’s middle lane
- Trawl fishing banned off Sussex coastline to restore kelp forests
- Trawl fishing is ‘economic and climate time bomb’ say UK scientists
- Trillion tonne iceberg on collision course with South Georgia
- Trillion tonne iceberg runs aground off island of South Georgia
- Trump officials now question harm caused by greenhouse gases
- Trump’s “utter contempt” for ocean protection faces first legal action
- Trump’s return: Paris Accord and green energy first casualties
- Tuna stakes: Pacific Islands land ‘tuna safeguarding’ fund
- Two new marine protection sites established in Ireland
- Two new species of six-gilled sawsharks discovered in West Indian Ocean
- U.S. law enforcement officials have announced the dismantling of a shark fin trafficking crime ring
- UK announces formation of Global Ocean Alliance to help safeguard the seas
- UK announces shark fin ban
- UK becomes latest government to back moratorium on deep sea mining
- UK blue carbon venture plans to remove billions of tonnes of carbon off West Africa
- UK government calls for public opinion on Highly Protected Marine Areas
- UK government confirms Highly Protected Marine Areas review panel
- UK government must overhaul its approach to Marine Protected Areas, according to scientists
- UK government refuses to defend Rosebank oil field in court
- UK government set to permit continued bottom trawling in MPAs
- UK grey seal colony experiences ‘baby boom’, prompting new research techniques
- UK launches vast video-based ocean wildlife monitoring system
- UK Marine Conservation Zone ‘blue belt’ expansion announced
- UK marine life ‘bouncing back’ after four years of kelp recovery
- UK Prime Minister pledges to ‘Build Back Greener’ with £160 million for offshore wind power
- UK scientists to research benefits of eco-friendly flood scheme
- UK seas, worth billions, at risk from Retained EU Law Bill
- UK’s delayed Global Ocean Treaty action is a “priority issue”
- UK’s Faroese fishing deal ‘blood-stained’ say dolphin campaigners
- UK’s horse mussels at risk, study warns
- UK’s Marine Protected Areas subjected to over 33,000 hours of bottom trawling, new analysis finds
- UK’s overfishing problem goes to court, as species teeter on brink
- UK’s Shark Fins Act passes into law
- UK’s window to redress environmental harm “rapidly closing”
- UN agrees on ‘historic’ High Seas Treaty
- UN chief issues global SOS for Pacific Islands
- UN Climate Change Conference 2021 to begin on Sunday
- UN draft plan sets 2030 target to protect at least 30% of the planet
- UN High Seas Treaty: New negotiations begin in New York
- UN highlights need for better warning systems ahead of extreme weather
- UN member states fail to agree on High Seas treaty
- UN Ocean Conference: Colombia first nation to achieve 30×30 goal
- UN’s 2021 ‘Champions of the Earth’ award winners announced
- Unprecedented amounts of litter on UK beaches reported since lockdown easing
- Unusual find: Loggerhead sea turtle washed up on beach of Scottish island
- Up to 40% beaches on Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, could be lost by 2050 due to rising sea levels
- Up to one million tons of ghost gear fishing waste entering ocean each year, according to WWF report
- Urgent project launched to understand Antarctic krill DNA
- US announces world’s third largest National Marine Sanctuary
- US Election – What could Trump’s second term spell for climate?
- US seafood industry faces historic forced labour lawsuit
- US tuna brand linked to forced labour of Indonesian fishers
- US welcomes ban on all seafood linked to marine mammal bycatch
- Vaquita extinction alert issued
- Vital protections for endangered mako shark blocked at ICCAT
- Vitamin sea: Are multivitamins the answer to coral reef health?
- Volunteers needed: The Great British Beach Clean is back
- Voracious crabs could curb coral-chomping starfish crisis
- Waitrose to stop using disposable coffee cups
- Waitrose trials packaging-free refill stations
- Wales and Canada announce single-use plastic bans
- Wanted: Coral conservation projects in need of funding
- Warm water species of plankton more adaptable to climate change than in polar regions
- Warmer oceans results in smaller and exhausted shark pups, study finds
- Warming climate could turn ocean plankton microbes into carbon emitters
- Warming ocean led to one of the worst seabird die-offs in modern era
- Warming seas in North East Atlantic could harm key fish stocks
- Watch Now: Oceanographic’s Week in Review
- Watch now: Oceanographic’s Week in Review
- Watch now: Oceanographic’s Week in Review
- We are hiring: Digital Editor
- We are hiring: Social Media Manager
- Weaving “Indigenous knowledge” with science crucial for coral
- Western Australian government announces Ningaloo Reef protection measures
- Whale I never: Rise in humpback whale sightings in the UK
- Whale of the century: Southern rights live up to 150 years
- Whale pee helps sustain a healthy ocean, new study finds
- Whale shark sex detectives uncover vital clue to reproduction
- Whale tale: Humpback’s odyssey tracked through tail-recognition
- Whale-ship strikes reduced if 2.6% of ocean made safer
- Whales off California ingest millions of microplastic particles daily
- Whaling in Iceland: “Whale murder isn’t even the worst of it”
- What are the ‘mysterious marbles’ appearing on Sydney beaches?
- What happens when a one trillion tonne iceberg strikes land?
- Why are scientists watching krill from space?
- Wildlife charity calls for more marine wilderness areas
- Wildlife Photographer of the Year announced
- Wildlife Photographer of the Year winner shares visions of hope for nature
- Wildlife population sees “catastrophic” fall of 73% in 50 years
- Winners announced for Prince William’s Earthshot Prize
- World leaders urged to slash plastic production as Global Plastics Treaty negotiations begin
- World Ocean Summit will bring together ocean community from 1-4 March
- World remains “far off track” to meet climate change and biodiversity targets for 2020
- World Surf League announces environmental pledge
- World-first international migration of reef manta rays confirmed
- World-first: Seagrass to feature in garden design at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2025
- World’s deepest fish filmed off Japan
- World’s first cryo-born coral babies planted on Great Barrier Reef
- World’s largest oil spill correlates with steep whale number declines
- World’s largest plant discovered in Australia’s Shark Bay
- World’s largest seagrass nursery opens in Australia
- World’s ocean surface temperature at all-time high, new data reveals
- World’s rarest beaked whale undergoes dissection in scientific first
- World’s first known manta ray nursery discovered
- Worrying UK wildlife crime rates “likely the tip of the iceberg”
- WTO members agree on fisheries subsidies deal
- You’re only young… twice? Comb jellyfish are now reverse aging
- 20% off Edition 2021 coffee table book
- 20% off Edition 2022 coffee table book
- 20% off Edition 2023 coffee table book
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- 50% off 2020 coffee table book
- A home divided / by Dmitry Kokh
- Above the deep / by Jialing Cai
- All seeing / by Julien Anton
- Below freezing / by James Ferrara
- Bright whites / by Scott Portelli
- Cleaning station / by Renee Capozzola
- Devil rays T-shirt (mens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- Devil rays T-shirt (womens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- Digital Ocean Hub
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- Edition 2023 / Coffee table book
- Edition 2024 / Coffee table book
- Eye contact / by Yung Sen Wu
- Flying gentoo / by Craig Parry
- Glacier bear / by Michael Haluwana
- Glow / by Mark Williams
- Goats and the coast / by Michael Haluwana
- Heart of the ocean / by Remuna Beca
- Imprint of a giant / by Nick Holton
- Into the light / by Daisuke Kurashima
- Issue 01 – 25% off for Hub
- Issue 20 / Antarctica: Cousteau’s call
- Issue 21 / Colour & cold
- Issue 22 / The wild isles
- Issue 23 / High seas
- Issue 24 / Rainbows of mud
- Issue 25 / Supermayan
- Issue 26 / Zamie
- Issue 27 / Mission Deep
- Issue 28 / Sea forests
- Issue 29 / Moving sand
- Issue 30 / Bleached
- Issue 31 / Net losses
- Issue 32 / Sentinels of change
- Issue 33 / Vanishing cultures
- Issue 34 / Scottish seas
- Issue 35 / Building hope
- Issue 36 / Galapagos
- Issue 37 / Wild Alaska: River & Ocean
- Issue 38 / Open ocean
- Issue 39 / Special Edition: OPY2024
- Issue 40 / Rays of hope
- Issue 41 / Holdfast to the canopy
- Issue Eight / The billion $ shark
- Issue Eighteen / End of the Line
- Issue Eleven / The hunt
- Issue Fifteen / Big little lives
- Issue Five / Cinematic conservation
- Issue Four / Fluke Science
- Issue Fourteen / Born to ice
- Issue Nine / Dancing with orcas
- Issue Nineteen / Dawn Days
- Issue One / Saving the Arctic
- Issue Seven / Frozen breath
- Issue Seventeen / Wolf mother
- Issue Six / Reconnection
- Issue Sixteen / Bio-logging blue sharks
- Issue Ten / Interpreting whalesong
- Issue Thirteen / This is Hvaldimir
- Issue Three / Changing winds
- Issue Twelve / Coral Gardeners
- Issue Two / Biomass Boom
- Kings / by Scott Portelli
- Limited edition – Issue 27 (Ocean Hub only)
- Madeira / Spotlight
- Majestic breach / by Clayton Harris
- Narwhal tracks / by Colin Tennant
- Ocean Adventure Photographer of the Year
- Ocean Conservation Photographer of the Year (Hope)
- Ocean Conservation Photographer of the Year (Impact)
- Ocean Fine Art Photographer of the Year
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- Ocean Wildlife Photographer of the Year
- Out of the night / by Jade Hoksbergen
- Pair of devils / by Merche Llobera
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- Rainbow surfing / by Todd Glaser
- Rays of hope / by Sylvie Ayer
- Sea and sky / by Jingyi Wang
- Shark skylight / by Renee Cappozola
- Sharks T-shirt (mens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- Sharks T-shirt (womens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- South seas spawning / by Renee Capozzola
- Steller friends / by Celia Kujala
- Subscription
- Surf line / by Tim Burgess
- Surfline T-shirt (mens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- Surfline T-shirt (womens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- The catch / by Henley Spiers
- The dreamer / by Alex Postigo
- The Human Connection Award: People and Planet Ocean
- The mirror / by Gabriel Barathieu
- The Ocean Portfolio Award
- The pod / by Merche Llobera
- Through the bubbles / by Henley Spiers
- Turtle T-shirt (mens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- Turtle T-shirt (womens) / OPY x Rapanui collaboration
- Under the ice / by Franco Banfi
- Underwater flight / by David Alpert
- Volume I / Coffee table book
- Warrior / by Gergo Rugli
- Western Australia / Spotlight
- Young Ocean Photographer of the Year
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